Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blog It...and they will come (to your web site!)

Did you know that businesses that blog get 55% more traffic to their web site than those that don't blog? We'll how about that.  I am a true believer in the term, "The more you tell, the more you sell." Don't get me wrong, I don't want people running around telling their life stories in their marketing. But tactical information about what you do, what sets you apart, and how you can help your customers, makes a huge difference in your marketing efforts!  Lets say you have an advertising agency, like myself. Yeah, you do all the marketing strategies and analyzing, and place loads of media for your clients everywhere. But did they know that you also have an award winning graphic design department. Or that you build custom web sites for each of your clients at a fraction of what other designers charge! OR how about that you plan corporate events and manage them for your clients with internal marketing. (I can go all day with everything that Mojo does...) If they knew you did all that and then some, you would be their one stop shop for everything they need within your industry.  This makes you more marketable, more accessible, and of course, a whole lot heavier in the pocket book!

If you've never blogged, it's actually fairly easy.  There are loads of FREE blog sites out there, just like this one!  Blogger.com is owned and operated by Google. And since Google uses all of it's own resources first to find viable content for their search engine, this would be the place to blog!  Once you pick a topic you want to write about, do it in the way that makes you feel more comfortable.  (You don't need to have a major in journalism to write.)  Give relevant information about your industry like new trends, new methods and even specials you may be running for a specific product or service, and give detailed information as to how and why it will help the end user.  Once your article has been finished, make sure that you give yourself a big plug at the end and include a link to your web site. (and of course, make sure you put a link on your site back to your blog!)

Now your ready to market your blog.  Tell everyone you know. Using Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In and other social media resources to get the word out is the simplest way to mass distribute your information.  You can also use an existing e-mail database to send an note to your clients letting them know about your newest article and provide them the link to both your blog and your web site.

And there you have it, folks.  Blogging in a nut shell! So now that you know how to do it, do it well, do it often, and (my favorite marketing quote....) JUST DO IT!

If you have any questions about this or other article topics, or just need help marketing your business, Mojo Media Miami International is here to help you!  You can contact us directly at 786-200-9169, through e-mail at clientservices@mojomediamiami.com or visit our web site at www.MojoMediaMiami.com.

1 comment:

  1. Extremely helpful, I've started my own just recently without knowing the stats or how beneficial it can be. Glad I followed my gut. Thanks
