Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Presentation Is EVERYTHING!

My family and I are addicted to art & craft shows. Living in Miami, we have the perfect weather for outdoor events all year round, so we really do live in the ideal place to indulge in our art addiction.  Recently we attended the Coconut Grove Art Festival and the accompanying festivals surrounding it.  It's always loads of fun to see all the amazing art and designs that people come up with.  But what really draws me in are the displays...

If you know me, I am all about presentation.  From putting on that perfect accessory to go with my outfit, to preparing an outstanding proposal that will knock the socks off of any client, the look as to be well rounded and complete.  The same can be said of any business, not just a marketing agency.  The way that you carry yourself and your business, will automatically dictate how you will be perceived in the eyes of a perceptive client.  You can't expect to walk into a business meeting wearing a pair of tattered jeans and t-shirt and ask for a couple thousand dollars for a project.  And the same can be said of wearing an expensive suit and handing out a home printed business card on printer paper.  You end up looking like an "oxymoron" rather than a true business professional. 

Just to give you an example, here is my story. Not only do I run an ad agency full time, but I also design jewelry as a hobby.  I actually attend most of the said, "art and craft festivals" as a participating artist rather than just a buyer.  When I set up my area, I make sure that my prospects feel invited in. I set it up almost like a little jewelry store, complete with a beautiful black and hot pink display, huge banner that displays photos of my work, company name and website. Even down to the table clothes... they are clean and sprayed down with a touch of essential oil to create the perfect ambient experience.  Although, my pieces ARE affordably priced, I can guarantee that the reason I am so successful at these events is because of the overall presentation that helps to really convey the beauty of my work. 

When I take on a new client, I not only represent them for their media efforts, but for their overall presence in their industry.  I take a look at the store front or office space, take a look at their services and product list and all aspects of their customer service. Then I look at what market they are trying to attract.  If they want to attract high end shoppers, then they MUST look high end all around. This includes their look, logo, printed materials and message.  If they don't jive, neither will the strength of their business nor the market they want to be selling to.

Now take a look at your own business and answer these questions (honestly)...
- Do you have a proper logo for your company with easily identifiable colors and imagery?
- Do you use that logo and message throughout all of your marketing (ie. business cards, post cards, signage, vehicle decals, banners, retail bags, folders, brochures, website, etc...)
- Do you have quality printed materials with a clear and concise message?
- Do you look your very best when presenting your company?
- Do you convey a sense of pride being a principal representative of your business?
- How does my retail or office space look... Is it clutter free, clean and inviting?
- Is it easy to identify my brand and the quality of my product or services?
- If it were me, would I buy from this business???

If you answered NO to any of those questions, then it's time you get off your tush and make it happen!  
Unfortunately, just because you own a business doesn't mean you are a "business person".  This is why there are many start-up's out there that flounder within their first or second year.  Most people open up a business and expect it to make money with little or no effort. The reality is, that in this economy, there are about 50 other businesses just like yours within a 5 mile radius, that are fighting for the same customer.  The ones that are going to win, are the ones that can honestly answer a resounding YES to all of the questions above and go beyond just word of mouth for advertising. Whether you take it upon yourself to learn how to use these resources to increase your business, or hire someone like me to assist you with those marketing and public image issues, the time is now to take hold of that piece of the pie you have been missing for so long.

Presentation is EVERYTHING! From your marketing materials and office/store decor to how YOU look and carry yourself when representing your business. Following these easy steps will put you on a more profitable road to success.

Mojo Media Miami International has been recognized as one of the top branding and digital media companies in South Florida in 2011 by the Miami Herald & the Digital Marketeers of America.  With over 20 years of experience in the industry, and countless awards for creative media and social media integration, Mojo Media Miami International is the perfect choice for driving your bottom-line up! 
"Taste the Flavor of Success!" www.MojoMediaMiami.com.

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